Improve your communication skills as our alumni volunteer!

Communication is an essential part of our life and can be a creative process to inspire others. Among our volunteer works you can find different types of communication and promotion ideas and you can follow how they share their experiences. Besides common workshops, you have a chance to develop your communication skills as our volunteer. Join us for the next two years and let’s inspire others with your work!

Communication, promotional skills or creativity are soft skills, which are increasingly important either at your workplace (especially for those who start their careers) or in your study management. But if you have just left college or university, you may feel that your soft skills are not as developed as you may like.

If you are an alumni volunteer, the experience will give you plenty of opportunities to fine-tune your communication skills. You’ll meet lots of new people, and your co-volunteers may well come from different walks of life, which can be invaluable for boosting your interpersonal skills. There is every chance that someone you meet while volunteering may become a valuable business contact later on.

The International Alumni Volunteer program 2021-2023 provides two main strands to support you when you get the Alumni Network Hungary membership:  Promotion and communication and Facilitating the alumni activities in different alumni chapters. Let’s check the communication strand in detail.

If you get connected easily you can conduct interviews with our senior alumni e.g.: Basak Dilara Özdemir-Lakatos or Yedil Myrzakhanov) or create your vlog channel (see Feifei’s channel). Whether you like working in the background you can share the news on different social media platforms, write a blog post about your experiences or professional achievements (like Zahra Fulandvand or Botar Mariko’s mentor webpage in Japanese) Besides these great works, you can have an opportunity to participate in different education fairs or Tempus Public Foundation events to help us with translation, local knowledge or organize or promote the Alumni Network Hungary at these events.

Our network has an enthusiastic volunteer group, who devoted their time and energy to building Alumni Network Hungary through communicational and promotion activities. Besides their work, we had some workshops even in the pandemic time for discussing the network’s future and services. We provided online tutorials to support their volunteering and had individual consultations about their plan and mentoring them.

Our volunteer programme is a long-term project (of 2 years at least) after which we give you a certificate or reference for your future work as a recommendation. Join us and become our international alumni volunteer for the next two years, and make the alumni community more vivid together!

Now the application period for the International Alumni Volunteer program is open by the end of August and if you wish to support the Alumni Network Hungary through volunteering, we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Finally, doing voluntary work can help you to feel more valued by those you work with. It may also help you to prove to yourself that you can have an impact. These things can do wonders for your confidence and self-esteem, both of which may significantly improve your chances of getting the job you want.